FilmSchoolSF Delivers on all of their promises – Arlene Skjerly Fall 2005

September 20, 2005
Jeremiah Birnbaum

I used to hate school. During class I was either doodling in my notebook, or scheming ways to fake a bellyache so I could leave for the rest of the day. I was truant so much that some of the staff at my high school graduation stared at me blankly or with confusion when I grabbed my diploma.

Yet, despite the ugliness of my high school years, I went on to college. I hoped that having a more specialized education would help me be more focused. Instead, I found much of the same tedium and restlessness that I felt in high school.

After about a year or so, I dropped out of college, and got a string of mundane office jobs that paid my rent for the next ten years. People would often ask me if I planned on returning to school. “Nooo. Not for me. Never again.” I never even considered it!

Last April I lost my job and was forced to really think about what it was that I wanted to do. I came to the open house at FilmSchoolSF expecting more of the same old, same old, and was completely floored by the space, by Stephen’s warm frankness, and the promise of actual hands-on individualized attention.

It’s been a little over four months now. So far the school has delivered on ALL of its promises. The staff is engaged and committed to helping us grow. And well? Let’s just say I haven’t had to fake a bellyache even ONCE since I started.

Arlene Skjerly,

Digital Filmmaking Program

Fall 2005

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