FREE Day of Film School at FilmSchoolSF

November 24, 2009
Jeremiah Birnbaum

film schoolYou’ve always wanted to go to film school. Well, now’s your chance.

The FREE Day of Film School is just that – a free day of learning how to make movies. Every couple months, we open up the school to 50 people and give dozens of people a high-intensity, hands-on filmmaking experience. More than just watching someone give a talk, the FREE Day of Film School puts cameras and lights in peoples’ hands and encourages active participation in the filmmaking process.

Lecture and lessons come from the school’s founders, instructors and alumni who, between them, have over 100 years of filmmaking experience. It’s an amazing chance to ask direct and specific filmmaking questions from people with extensive industry experience.

This full-day event runs from 10 am to around 5 pm. The first half of the day is spent on camera and lighting basics and the second half is spent actually shooting the scene and editing the footage.

film schoolWe’ve held three of these events so far and each one has been nearly filled to the 50-person maximum. Prior to the day of the event, we build a fully-operational set complete with camera track, proper lighting and all the real-word production standards. On the FREE Day, we re-create a scene from one of our feature films, Moonlight Sonata, with real actors as true to the original as possible.

“This is one of our favorite events, says SFSDF co-founder Jeremiah Birnbaum. It really opens the school up to a much broader audience and gives anyone the opportunity to see how movies are made, first hand. By removing some of the mystery of filmmaking we hope to convince people that, they too, can be filmmakers.”

Check out the FREE Day of Film School promo video below. The next FREE Day of Film School will be held on Friday, February 2nd. RSVPs are required! Sign up HERE.

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