FilmSchoolSF director of marketing is augmenting his reality

October 5, 2010
Jeremiah Birnbaum

Adidas AR campaign

From beginning, one of the big strengths of FilmschoolSF has been that we always keeping an eye on where filmmaking is going. That’s why the school was build with a 100% digital focus from Day One. It was clear to the founders that content creation – filmmaking – was racing towards the digital space and that our students would be better served if we taught ahead of the curve. Of course, now digital filmmaking is fairly standard and our graduates are creating for and working in the new media space and shooting and distributing films with the skills they learned.

In keeping with this forward-looking tradition, FilmschoolSF Director of Marketing Christopher F. Smith has been spending some time on the emerging technology called “Augmented Reality”. (Huh? Exactly.) Also known as “AR”, Augmented Reality is considered as one of the most potentially disruptive technologies of the near future.

“I’ve been researching and writing about Augmented Reality for over a year and am intrigued by how this new technology will be used in non-traditional filmmaking and digital storytelling, said Smith. It’s a little early in the evolution of the technology to really pinpoint likely success trajectories, but I’m certain that we’ll see strong combinations of story and AR in the coming months.”

FilmSchoolSF has hosted a couple Augmented Reality Meetups with AR powerhouse Junaio as well as an AR-focused Spoilrr transmedia Meetup (with Transmedia Storyteller).

Recently, Christopher was interviewed here at SFSDF by the CEO of Market7 Seth Kenvin. They talked about the basics of AR and opportunities that lie around the corner. A complete edit of this 20-min interview is pending.

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