sfsdf lands on the front page of moviemaker.com

March 12, 2010
Jeremiah Birnbaum

It’s always good to get a little press coverage. TV, online, print – it all adds up to greater, global recognition and awareness. We were recently contacted by MovieMaker Magazine who had caught wind of our popular FREE Day of Film School. Intrigued, they decided to ask SFSDF co-founders Jeremiah Birnbaum and Stephen Kopels a few big questions about the school and its principles.

“MovieMaker has been a leading in the film space for quite some time. People look to it for important filmmaking news, tips and industry overviews and we’re certainly excited about the coverage,” said Birnbaum.

Spend a few minutes with the interview here.

A choice entry from the Q+A:

MM: Anything else to add?

SK: We’re a film school and so our primary goal is to teach people to become talented filmmakers. But people leave SFSDF with something more. The creative process is a frustrating and challenging journey with all sorts of highs, lows and uncomfortable middles. But at the end of it, you emerge a new person.

JB: SFSDF empowers people to challenge themselves, to take risks and to get outside their comfort zones. We put them in unfamiliar situations with new tools and new people and see what they can do. Students learn as much about themselves as they do about filmmaking. An SFSDF community is formed, bound by a shared vision and a group experience. You won’t see this mentioned in other school’s marketing materials, but it is something of which we are very proud.

The photo used in the article was taken on-set at Fog City Pictures’s most recent production, a short film titled PIA. This is the project mentioned way back in October.

, while currently available online in totality, screens for the first time in theaters March 17th and the 28th San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival (longest festival title ever?)

Read the MovieMaker Q+A

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